Thursday 7 April 2016

Week 4: Managing Yourself and Others

Managing Yourself and Others

What attributes described in Johari Window exercise do you see as key to dealing with clients?

Happy, Cheerful, Helpful, Trustworthy, Adaptable, Calm, Confident, Dependable, Observant, Organised, Patient, Self-Asserted 

What attributes are key to dealing with your colleagues? 

Accepting, Caring, Cheerful, Freindly, Helpful, Happy, Dependable, Trustworthy, Organised

What attributes are key to dealing with yourself? 

Accepting, Happy, Cheerful, Calm, Kind, Helpful, Trustworthy, Dependable

What attributes are key to dealing with your boss? 

Calm, Adaptable, Organised, Mature, Trustworthy, Dependable

How does your version of the Johari Window differ from your friends/close contacts? 

I came across as a lot more happy and friendly then I thought. They also think I'm trustworthy, warm and clever as well which is great to know that they trust me.

How does this exercise make you think about your position in the workplace (ie. do you think you would be a good co-worker or boss or are there things you think you need to work on/develop?)

According to the attributes that come across to my friends and close contacts it seems that I will work well in the workplace among my colleagues and dealing with my boss. This is because I fit the trustworthy, helpful, happy, accepting and kind attributes that I think will help in those situations. 

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