Thursday 7 April 2016

Week 7: Sustainability in the Graphic Design Industry

Sustainability in the Graphic Design Industry

What is 'cradle to cradle' design and how can you see this applied in the Graphic Design industry?

Cradle to cradle is a biomimetic approach to design. The cradle to cradle framework is about improving and being more eco friendly. This means the design are to be waste free and less harmful to the environment. This means design should be recycled and re-used without loosing quality.

In the 'Creative Gallery on Sustainable Communications '- what ad has the most impact for you and why?

(Youtube, 2014)

This ad made by Colgate was on the Creative Galler site but in order to watch it I had to outsource it to Youtube. This ad had a big impact on me as it showed me how something simple that a person does every day can have a big impact. It made me appreciate water which I normally take for granted and then provided a solution in order to prevent wasting water. To not have the tap running while brushing my teeth. Simple and I liked that.

List five things that a Graphic Designer can do in their practice to decrease their impact on the environment. 

  1. In producing their designs lean towards using recyclable materials
  2. Present design Ideas on a computer presentation rather then printing it on paper
  3. Re-purpose any designs you can save
  4. Use both sides of any paper you have to use
  5. Be informed about any new tactics and materials to help your designs be more eco-friendly 

pititocas. (2014). Youtube. Colgate: Water. Retrieved 7th of April from 

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