Thursday 7 April 2016

Week 5: Timesheet


I'm still learning when it comes to Graphic Design so as a freelancer I would be classified as a beginner. 

An article I found on AdNews said that 43% of freelance Graphic designers are paid for the project and 37% are pain by the hour. But as a beginner the best way to gauge how much your work is worth is to calculate it by the hour. So according to AdNews the average hourly rate for a Junior Graphic Designer is $30 AUD.

With further research I found that an article on Start Up Smart said that mid-level graphic designers charge an average rate of $40-45. This article also had the same percentages as the AdNews article when it came to what percentage charged per project or hourly. Since I would be classified as low-level or beginner Graphic Designer I should be charging a bit less than the mid-level so it that would make my average $30-35 acceptable.

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