Thursday 3 March 2016

Week 3: Logo Brand

Logo Brand

Name and Description

Emily Dimech

Please describe your organisation or business does in one sentence

Helps flesh out and design client’s concepts and creations

Industry- Please select your industry


Target Audience

Young Adults to 30’s
Innovative and creative people

What are the top three things that your logo should communicate to the audience?
  •  My love for creative design
  •  Creative colour
  •  Something

Please select the logo styles that you would like to see for your logo
  •           Word mark
  •           Letterform mark

Please describe the colours you would like to see in your logo
  •        Orange
  •       Little bit of yellow
  •       Maybe green and blue

Common associations in Western culture:
RedPassion Anger Love Battle
BlueKnowledge Trustworthy Calm
GreenFertility Wealth Healing
PurpleRoyalty Wisdom Imagination
YellowJoy Intellect Caution
OrangeCreativity Unique Energy
BlackLuxury Secrecy Fear
GreySophisticated Neutrality

WhitePerfection Purity Clean

My Logo

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