Thursday 7 April 2016

Week 6: Design and Ethics

Design and Ethics

What is "free pitching" and how does it effect the industry as a whole?

Free pitching is where the client unfairly manipulates the designers with the a aim of garnering unpaid work. This is damaging the industry as people should not work for free and ideas that are put out there are being stolen by larger competitors and thus newer designers are not able to grow and develop.

Why is it important to have a code of ethics in the Graphic Design industry?

Ethics are important in order to keep everyone in the industry on the same level. This is so there can be no manipulation or theft and everyone is respected in their own right. This applies to both the client and the Graphic Designers.

What is the difference between a copyright and a trademark or patent?

Copyright is the owners original expression of ideas and is protected, but not the ideas themselves. This protects the designers work from things such as reproduction of it (photos, photocopy, filming, scanning, etc.)

A Trademark identifies the particular goods and services as distinct from those of other traders. For example this could be a logo, sound, shape or form of packaging.

A Patent protects how an invention works and functions. 

What measures do you need to take as a freelance designer to protect your creative output?

Making a logo for your work would help trademark everything so people know its your work. We also need to be aware of copyright and make sure whatever we use falls under the regulations of the copyright.

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