Thursday 3 March 2016

Week 3: Logo Brand

Logo Brand

Name and Description

Emily Dimech

Please describe your organisation or business does in one sentence

Helps flesh out and design client’s concepts and creations

Industry- Please select your industry


Target Audience

Young Adults to 30’s
Innovative and creative people

What are the top three things that your logo should communicate to the audience?
  •  My love for creative design
  •  Creative colour
  •  Something

Please select the logo styles that you would like to see for your logo
  •           Word mark
  •           Letterform mark

Please describe the colours you would like to see in your logo
  •        Orange
  •       Little bit of yellow
  •       Maybe green and blue

Common associations in Western culture:
RedPassion Anger Love Battle
BlueKnowledge Trustworthy Calm
GreenFertility Wealth Healing
PurpleRoyalty Wisdom Imagination
YellowJoy Intellect Caution
OrangeCreativity Unique Energy
BlackLuxury Secrecy Fear
GreySophisticated Neutrality

WhitePerfection Purity Clean

My Logo

Week 2: Personality Test

Personality Test

Introvert(41%)  Sensing(19%)  Feeling(6%)  Perceiving(3%)
  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (41%)
  • You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (19%)
  • You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (6%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Perceiving over Judging (3%)

What personality type are you? Who else (famous people) share this personality type with you?

J.K.Rowling, Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, Christina Aguilera, Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, Emma Watson, Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Elton John

Did the results of this test suprise you? Do you agree with your personality assessment (why/why not)? 

No the test result don't surprise me though I thought I would recieve a higher percentage for feeling over thinking as I normally go with my gut instincts on things. I agree that I'm a very introverted person I don't enjoy going out and partying at all hours of the night and I don't like crowds. I also don't like change and I like to often stick with familiar habits. 

How do you think your personality would fit into the workplace - (you would work better in a small studio or a large global agency, you are a manager or a team member?)

I think I would work best in a large agency were I would be a small worker and perform very similar jobs this way I would improve in certain areas and I can build experience that way. I would never be a team manager as I avoid confrontation as much as possible and prefer to have set tasks given to me. I would work well in a team as I would perform my task to the best of my abilities.